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"Lap Time"

Recently, as I sat in Church waiting for the service to start, I noticed a man seated a few rows ahead of me and to my right. He had left empty the two seats beside him and next to the aisle. As the service started these two seats remained unoccupied and I noticed that periodically he would look at them with consternation.

As you can tell, I was rather curious about all this and paying more attention – possibly too much – to what was going on to my right than what was occurring on the stage.

About ten minutes into the service a couple came down the aisle and stopped at the two empty seats and the man welcomed them to sit down. Accompanying them was a child who appeared to be about seven years-old. However, there was not a vacant seat for him. Then it suddenly all became clear.

As the man who had saved the seats pulled the child to him and the young boy climbed up on his lap it was obvious that this was the boy’s grandfather. Considering there was no shortage of seats in the Church, it was also clear that granddad had not made a mistake in the number of seats he had saved. As his grandson settled in his lap and he wrapped those granddaddy arms around him there was not a doubt that he had intentionally saved only two seats.

The look of consternation was gone; replacing it was a big old smile that could have lit the place if the lights went out. Looking up at him, and smiling just as big, was that little boy. You could tell he didn’t have a care in the world. He was snug and secure in granddad’s lap. And, to tell you the truth, at that moment, I don’t think granddad had a care in the world either.

I can remember as a young boy being with my grandfather and I know just how this young boy felt. As I watched, I have to admit, it wouldn’t be so bad to have a place where all our cares would disappear, even if only for a moment. Of course, my granddad is long gone from this world, and even if he were still here I would be much too big to climb into his lap.

However, we do have such a place if we will avail ourselves of it. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-29

The love of this young boy and his grandfather reminds me that Jesus said to not hinder the little children from coming to him. He also said that we must come to him as little children.

Hmmmm, feeling weary and worn out? Maybe we are due some lap time.

Note: If you are not getting our E-Letter, the current issue addresses the latest “missing-link” finding. You can read the full story at: Monkey Business


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