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Got Some Cheetos? Blog Me!

It has been a few weeks since I opened a bag of Cheetos (a must have for bloggers according to Joe Scarborough), got out my computer and wrote on my blogspot. It’s not that there hasn’t been anything of cultural importance occurring during the past few weeks (quite the contraire); I’ve just been tied up with other writing and organizational projects and plans.

For example, I have been asked by the Alabama Baptist to write an eleven week series of articles on pseudo-Christian religious groups and worldviews. The series includes how to recognize and respond to such groups and includes articles on: Scientology, Mormonism, Christian Science, Atheism, New Age, Jehovah's Witnesses, Agnosticism, Word-Faith Movement, Wicca and the Occult. The series begins next week and can be read online the following week.

In addition to this, the front page of our website is now online so you can view it. I am furiously in the process of writing content so all the links can be activated and in the next few days you’ll start seeing content appear. You can view it at:

One other thing we have devoted a lot of attention to the past few weeks is developing a presence on Facebook. We have been amazed at what an effective tool this is for communicating with others. If you have a Facebook account visit our group and sign up at:

Our associate staff member, Scott Shoop is overseeing this project. Right now we are discussing the recent Pew Research Report finding that a high percentage of Americans, including Evangelicals, believe there are many paths to eternal life. This includes a discussion of what is shaping such beliefs.

By the way, all of our staff also have individual Facebook pages. If you want to add them to your friend, just search for: Ron Carter, Don Malin, Scott Shoop, David Grubbs, and Bob Waldrep.

So, there is a quick update on some of the things we have been doing, in addition to speaking and counseling, and an explanation of our seeming disappearance from the blogsphere. We're back now, and don't worry, we have lots to talk about. Oops, just ran out of Cheetos!

Blog you later!


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