After the attack on the World Trade Towers, country singer/songwriter Alan Jackson put his thoughts about that day in the song, "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning ". As this song depicts, that day surely seemed like the end of the world. All of us can remember where we were as that event unfolded. (Listen to the song at: ) This week the media has given much attention to a prophecy by Harold Camping that the world will come to an end on May 21, 2011; which is, as I am writing, tomorrow. I couldn't help but think of the contrast of Camping's prediction and the events of September 11. September 11 really happened. It had all the feel of the end of the world as we knew it. The question Alan Jackson poses is one that still resonates with us today. Camping's prediction concerning May 21 st , does not depict a real event for that day - it is a false prophecy. It has the media's attention today but will quickl...
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