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Do What is Right, not What is Easy

Almost as soon as the tragic news broke of the events at Fort Hood last week the clamor began that it was an act of Islamic terrorism. Shortly after the killing spree, Muslims reported that some of their Mosques had received threatening telephone calls. Apparently, there was no time to take a wait-and-see approach – to get the facts – folks were already making up their minds on this one

Now the facts have come out and the killer was, in fact, Muslim and from the information being released, was acting based on his connection to a radical Islamic cleric. So, all those who first claimed it was an act of Islamic terrorism, can say a hearty, “I told you so.” However, does that justify some of the hostile reactions directed toward some of the Muslim people in our nation?

Without question, there have been tremendous atrocities carried out in the name of Islam; but do those who perpetrate such actions truly represent the Muslim religion? While the terrorist would say yes, most Muslims in the West would respond, they do not. In fact, many Mosques, including one in my own city, quickly issued statements of condemnation concerning the actions at Fort Hood. Muslims, from the Mosque where the killer worshipped, also attended the service held today in remembrance of those who had been killed.

Though I am convinced we need to take a much more cautious approach in responding to these type events, I am not so naïve as to think there is not an anti-American sentiment among Muslims in the Middle East. There is. Just as some Muslims in America have such sentiments.

However, when it comes to acts of terrorism carried out by Muslims, I think we would do well to consider that most of these actions take place in the Middle East and that more Muslims, than non-Muslims, are killed by these terrorists. If for no other reason than that, I can find it credible that a Muslim can truly find the actions of an Islamic terrorist, reprehensible.

It seems to me that at some point we must quit reacting on the basis of one’s culture, ethnicity, skin-color, and/or religion and lay aside our fears and personal prejudices. I believe this should be particularly true for those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus. Where possible, we need to develop relationships with our Muslim neighbors; and, even if we cannot come to agreement, to at least try to understand one another.

While there are certainly Muslim terrorists in this country, I do not believe that most Muslims have come here to overthrow this country or to do harm to its citizens. In my own experience, I have found that Muslims in my city share many of the same concerns as their non-Muslim neighbors. Like so many of us, they are concerned about their children’s welfare and education, job security, having a roof over their head, and staying ahead of the bill collector. They want to live in a nice home, drive a good car, and even if they may despise our policies, they want to enjoy the freedom this country affords them – to live the American dream.

It is easy to label every Muslim a terrorist and proclaim Islam a terrorist religion. However, as Christians, we have not been called to take the easy road; but to do what is right – to love even those who hate us. It is a hard calling, but it is the right thing to do. It is the example that Christ gave us.

Click here to read our article on Islam.


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